
Jiang, S., Nistor, N., & Stanciu, D. (2023). Higher education from a learning analytics perspective: An exploration of the theory choice in doctoral educational research. In F. J. García-Peñalvo & A. García-Holgado (Eds.), Proceedings TEEM 2022: Tenth International Conference on Technological Ecosystems for Enhancing Multiculturality (pp. 1190–1198). Springer Nature Singapore.

Mocanu, I., Cramariuc, O., & Stanciu, D. I. (2023). An intelligent application for improving health conditions through gamification. In 2023 24th international conference on control systems and computer science (CSCS) (pp. 460–466). International Conference on Control Systems and Computer Science (CSCS), Bucharest, Romania. IEEE.

Stanciu, I. D., Cramariuc, O. T., & Mocanu, I. G. (2023). Types of affordances and their role in quantitative UX/UI research. A scoping review of affordances-focused literature. In 17th International Conference on e-Learning and Digital Learning (pp. 83–91). Multi Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems, Porto, Portugal. IADIS.

Stanciu, I.-D., & Ciascai, L. (2023). Predicting drop-out intentions from students’ perceptions of academic feedback and procrastination tendencies. “Can personalized feedback sometimes be too much of a good thing”? In 17th International Conference on e-Learning and Digital Learning (pp. 137–145). Multi Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems, Porto, Portugal. IADIS.

Stanciu, I.-D., & Ciascai, L. (2023). ‘They don’t always tell me what I need to hear’. An exploratory analysis and comparison of expected vs perceived teacher-provided academic feedback. The 19th eLearning and Software for Education Conference1

Stanciu, I.-D., Maier, M. L., & Cobarzan, N. (2023). “I need your help to stay in school”: The role of personal and institutional factors in the intention to drop out. The 15th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies, 5500–5510.

Stanciu, D., & Calugar, A. (2022). What is irrational in fearing to miss out on being online. An application of the I-PACE model regarding the role of maladaptive cognitions in problematic internet use. In Computers in Human Behavior (Vol. 135). Elsevier Ltd.

Stanciu, D., & Chis, A. (2021). A study of cyberstander reactions under community-related influence: When gender complicates matters. In Computers in Human Behavior (Vol. 115, p. 106589). Elsevier Ltd.

González Bravo, L., Fernández Sagredo, M., Torres Martínez, P., Barrios Penna, C., Fonseca Molina, J., Stanciu, I. D., & Nistor, N. (2020). Psychometric analysis of a measure of acceptance of new technologies (UTAUT), applied to the use of haptic virtual simulators in dental students. European Journal of Dental Education24(4), 706–714.

González-Bravo, L., Stanciu, D., Nistor, N., Castro, B., Puentes, G., & Valdivia, M. (2020). Perceptions about accreditation and quality management in Higher Education. Development of a Spanish-language questionnaire with a sample of academics from a private university [Percepciones acerca de la acreditación y la gestión de la calidad en la Educación Superior. Desarrollo de un cuestionario en castellano con una muestra de académicos de una universidad privada]. Revista Calidad En La Educación53, 321–363.

Stanciu, D. (2020). Applying technology acceptance modeling to social networking: A psychosocial extension and partial validation of existing theories. Presa Universitară Clujeană.

Nastac, D. I., Arsene, O., Dragoi, M., Stanciu, I. D., & Mocanu, I. (2019). An AAL scenario involving automatic data collection and robotic manipulation. In 3rd IET International Conference on Technologies for Active and Assisted Living (TechAAL 2019) (CP755; p. 8 (6 pp.)-8 (6 pp.)). 3rd IET International Conference on Technologies for Active and Assisted Living (TechAAL 2019), London, UK. Institution of Engineering and Technology.

Nistor, N., Stanciu, D., Lerche, T., & Kiel, E. (2019). “I am fine with any technology, as long as it doesn’t make trouble, so that I can concentrate on my study”: A case study of university students’ attitude strength related to educational technology acceptance. In British Journal of Educational Technology (Vol. 50, Issue 5, pp. 2557–2571). Blackwell Publishing Ltd.

Vigu, A., & Stanciu, D. (2019). When the fear of dentist is relevant for more than one’s oral health. A structural equation model of dental fear, self-esteem, oral-health-related well-being, and general well-being. In Patient Preference and Adherence: Vol. Volume 13 (pp. 1229–1240). Dove Medical Press Ltd.

Bruner-Timmons, J., Nistor, N., & Stanciu, I. D. (2018). Rethinking tpack in the digital age: Non-linear relationships between learning by design, teachers’ technology-related knowledge and technology integration in the classroom. In L. R. & K. J. (Eds.), Proceedings of International Conference of the Learning Sciences, ICLS (; Vol. 3, pp. 1553–1554).

Vigu, A., Stanciu, D., Lotrean, L. M., & Campian, R. S. (2018). Complex interrelations between self-reported oral health attitudes and behaviors, the oral health status, and oral health-related quality of life. In Patient Preference and Adherence: Vol. Volume 12 (pp. 539–549). Dove Medical Press Ltd.

Vigu, A., Stanciu, D., Sava, S., Labunet, A., Burde, A. V., Dascalu, M. L., & Campian, R. S. (2018). Oral health related attitudes and behavior correlated with gender. An item-level analysis using the Hiroshima University Dental Behavior Inventory. In Human & Veterinary Medicine International Journal of the Bioflux Society (Vol. 10, Issue 2, pp. 51–55). BIOFLUX SRL.

Nistor, N., & Stanciu, I.-D. (2017). “Being sexy” and the labor market: Self-objectification in job search related social networks. In Computers in Human Behavior (Vol. 69, pp. 43–53). Elsevier Ltd.

Stanciu, D. (2017). Age differences and preferences in online behavior. How ageing and digital connectedness are reflected in current research regarding the use of social media. The 13th eLearning and Software for Education Conference - eLSE 20172, 624–631.

Stanciu, D. (2017). Applying technology acceptance modeling to social networking. A psychosocial extension and partial validation of existing theories [Doctoral dissertation]. Babes-Bolyai University, Cluj Napoca.

Stanciu, D. (2017). Are current models of technology acceptance explanatory enough? An analysis of potentially underexploited psychological correlates of technology acceptance. The 13th eLearning and Software for Education Conference - eLSE 20172, 616–623.

Iancu, I., & Stanciu, I. (2016). Online promotion of financial investment services companies. Annals of Faculty of Economics25(2), 575–581.

Stanciu, I. D. (2016). Cynicism in the modern society. An exploratory study of related variables. The Proceedings of the International Conference Communication, Context, Interdisciplinarity, 496–504.

Glava, C., & Stanciu, D., Ionut. (2015). Variations in undergraduate students’ motivation: Mastery and performance motivation and their associated emotional costs. Proceedings of the International Conference on Education, Reflection and Development, 79–87.

Stanciu, I. D., & Bal, C. (2015). Utilizing crossword creation software to deepen learning in undergraduate students. eLSE Conference Proceedings3, 247–253.

Stanciu, I. D., & Simion, A. G. (2015). Contextual factors of learning: The influence of music in primary school students’ learning process. Proceedings of the International Conference on Education, Reflection and Development, 211–220.

Stanciu, I.-D. (2015). Catching up with the European utilization of ITC. A brief overview and the implications for the educational system. The Proceedings of the “European Integration-Between Tradition and Modernity” Congress, 669–685.

Stanciu, I.-D. (2015). Enhancing information processing by user categorization. Tagging content in support of learning. eLSE Conference Proceedings3, 237–246.

Nistor, N., Daxecker, I., Stanciu, D., & Diekamp, O. (2014). Sense of community in academic communities of practice: Predictors and effects. Higher Education69(2), 257–273. Scopus.

Nistor, N., Stanciu, D., Vanea, C., Sasu, V. M., & Dragotâ, M. (2014). Situated Learning in Young Romanian Roma Successful Learning Biographies. In European Educational Research Journal (Vol. 13, Issue 3, pp. 311–324). Symposium Journals Ltd.

Stanciu, D., & Bal, C. (2014). An overview of the new developments in e-learning. The digital instrumentation of learning. Buletin Științific. Seria A, Fascicula Filologie23(1), 619–625.

Stanciu, I. D. (2014). Elemente de dezvoltare personală și profesională ([Elements of personal and professional development]). Presa Universitara Clujeana.

Stanciu, I. D. (2014). Elemente introductive de cercetare și statistică pentru profesori. Repere pentru cercetare-acțiune și scriere academică ([Introduction to research and statistics for teachers. Guidelines for action-research and academic writing]). Presa Universitara Clujeana.

Stanciu, I. D. (2014). Trenduri moderne în educație. MOOCs și comunități virtuale de învățare ([Current trends in education. MOOCs and virtual learning communities]). Presa Universitara Clujeana.

Stanciu, D. (2013). Raţionalitate şi control în autoreglarea învăţării la studenţi: Modelare conceptuală şi intervenţii experimentale de validare ([Rationality and control in students’ self-regulated learning. Conceptual modeling and experimental validation interventions]). Presa Universitară Clujeană.

Stanciu, I. D. (2013). Psihologia educației. Teme fundamentale ([Educational psychology. Fundamental topics]). Presa Universitara Clujeana.

Stanciu, I. D., Bocoş, M., & Andronache, C., Daniel. (2013). Contextual and individual moderators in the self-regulation of learning: Age and learning context. In Applied Social Sciences: Education Sciences (pp. 149–158). Cambridge Scholars Publishing.

Bocos, M., Andronache, D., Stanciu, D., & Baciu, R. (2012). Methods of teaching-learning-evaluating in higher education and skills training. Studia Universitas Babes-Bolyai57(2), 53–62.

Stanciu, I. D. (2012). Raţionalitate şi control în învăţarea autoreglată a studenţilor [Rationality and control in students’ self-regulated learning. Conceptual modeling and experimental validation interventions] [Doctoral dissertation]. Babes-Bolyai University, Cluj Napoca.

Stanciu, I.-D., Bocos, M., & Andronache, D. C. (2012). Computer-mediated self-regulation of learning. Proceedings of The 8th International Scientific Conference eLearning and Software for Education Bucharest, April 26-27, 20121, 322–329.

Stanciu, I.-D., Bocos, M., & Andronache, D. C. (2012). The role of educational software in secondary school students’ academic performance. The International Scientific Conference eLearning and Software for Education1, 330.

Andronache, D., Bocoş, M., Stanciu, I.-D., & Baciu, R., Oana. (2011). The valences of multiple intelligences theory in optimizing the training process. Journal of Educational Sciences/Revista de Stiintele Educatiei13(2), 18–26.

Stanciu, D., Orban, I., & Bocos, M. (2011). Applying the multiple intelligences theory into pedagogical practice. Lessons from the Romanian primary education system. In Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences (Vol. 11, pp. 92–96). Elsevier Ltd.

Stanciu, I.-D. (2011). Action and research opportunities in education. The multicultural dimension. Educatia 219

Stanciu, I.-D. (2011). Psychological and educational aspects of bilingualism. An opportunity for the Romanian educational practice and research. Educatia 219, 1–12.

Bernat, S.-E., Câmpean, A., Chicinaş, L. F., Crisan, E.-L., Gherasim-Ardelean, S., Moraru, C., Stanciu, D., Tamas, S. C., & Tinica, S.-V. (2010). Formator-perfecţionare: Manualul cursantului (1st ed., Vol. 1). Risoprint.